EI Referral Case
  • 23 Jan 2025
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EI Referral Case

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Article summary

Purpose: Once an EI Referral is created in the data system, CCB staff should reference the following steps to accept online referrals and work those referrals within established timelines.

  1. Click on the Client Cases tab

  2. Using the ▼ symbol next to Recently Viewed, select EI Referral List View

  3. Click on the Early Intervention Referral Case Number (will be automatically populated with Status = New)

  4. Review and update Referral Information in each of the sections

  5. Click on Duplicate Contacts button to confirm if a duplicate contact exists in the data system

  6. If Duplicate Contact is found, there is an option to merge those contacts

  7. If No Duplicate Contacts Found, data system user will click on Create Contact button.

  8. A pop-up message in a green bar will appear to confirm Referral client contact is successfully created!

  9. Data User can click on Client Contact to review and confirm information

  10. Data user can click on Account to confirm all contacts that were automatically generated and associated with that Household Account are correct, including Client contacts, and Client Family contacts

  11. Under Status section, the following Status options exists for EI Referral Case:

    1. New – default status for a newly generated/created EI Referral Case

    2. Closed – if no EI Case will be created for this child. A Referral Final Outcome should be selected from the following options:

      1. Deceased

      2. Declined Participation

      3. Duplicate Referral

      4. Incomplete Referral

      5. Parent declined – not sure why referred

      6. Wrong Service Area

      7. Attempts to Contact Unsuccessful

      8. Transferred Case

        1. (e.g. if a child has moved immediately after referral was entered)

        2. Enter Date of Closure

        3. Case Closure Notes (optional)

    3. Complete – Child determined Eligible. Family wants to move forward.

      1. Referral Final Outcome – select Client Case Opened

      2. Case Closure Notes (optional)

  12. Click Save

  13. Click on Related tab to locate the Client Case Number

Note: Once a client case has been created, more information can be found in the EARLY INTERVENTION CLIENT CASE SET UP section of this User Guide

For questions, content edits, or other inquires on this document contact the EI Data Team.

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