- 29 Jan 2025
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Who Uses the QIO Tool?
- Updated on 29 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute to read
- DarkLight
Who Uses the QIO Tool?
The State QIO Team comprises the Quality Assurance Coordinator, Data Specialist, EI Child Find Coordinator, Training Coordinator, and Data Reporting Analyst. This group meets monthly to review the latest QIO data and determine if any local EI broker will move into a different QIO Phase.
The State QIO assessors are the Quality Assurance Coordinator, Training Coordinator, Data Specialist, Child Find Coordinator, and Part C Administrator. Other EI state staff members may perform QIOs as appropriate. This group is responsible for completing the same QIOs that local EI broker’s assess on a monthly basis. Additionally, the State QIO assessors participate in an “Everyone QIO.” The Everyone QIO involves all State QIO assessors completing a QIO on the same IFSP. Therefore, local EI broker staff may see multiple QIO submissions on a single IFSP. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that all State assessors remain in agreement with each other in using the QIO Tool.
Local EI brokers create their internal QIO assessor structure. There should be a minimum of two staff members at each program that know how to complete a QIO. It is recommended that the staff using the QIO Tool at their program oversee and/or train service coordinators. It is the responsibility of local EI broker’s to ensure the QIO tab in the Early Intervention Colorado Contacts sheet remains updated with the contact information of staff doing QIOs.