Using the QIO Tool in the EI Data System
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Using the QIO Tool in the EI Data System

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Using the QIO Tool in the EI Data System
How to Access and Complete the QIO Tool within the EI Data System

Note: The QIO Tool is embedded in the EI Data System and is located within the child’s IFSP page. The following screenshots aim to show examples of what the page looks like.

  1. Using the Google Sheet to Access Monthly Batch of IFSPs

    1. Each local EI broker has a Google Sheet titled QIO_[local EI broker name] on which they will find their monthly batch of IFSPs selected for QIO assessment

    2. At this time, only Initial IFSPs with at least one child outcome will be assessed using the QIO Tool

    3. Navigate to the appropriate month tab

    4. Click the link in column L (IFSP Link) to open each IFSP in the Data System

  2. Accessing the IFSP and QIO Tool

    1. Open the QIO Tool

      1. There is a drop-down button in the top right corner of the page. Click the drop-down button and click on the ‘QIO Survey’ button to open the tool

    2. Navigate back to the first tab (IFSP Details page)

      1. Find the arrow in the top right corner of the page and click ‘Print PDF’

    3. Keep the QIO Tool and PDF version of the IFSP open throughout the assessment

  3. QIO Tool Description

    1. The first page of the QIO Tool will give a quick summary of the tool and how scores reflect the quality of an IFSP

    2. Once familiar with the information on the page, click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the screen

  4. Starting the QIO Tool

    1. Information will pre-populate from the IFSP (Assessor Name, IFSP Date, Local EI Broker, Service Coordinator)

    2. Answer the required questions that have a red asterisk (Area(s) of Delay/Informed Opinion, What type of user are you, Is this a Practice QIO)

    3. The tool will also ask if, “the information contained in the evaluation/assessment results summary supports the range of delay documented?” Read through the evaluation results to accurately answer this question

  5. Family Assessment, Concerns, Priorities, and Resources

    1. Note: Only Initial IFSPs in which the Family Assessment is completed should be selected for QIO assessment

    2. The first page of the QIO Tool will assess the IFSP’s Family Assessment, Concerns, Priorities, and Resources

    3. Read through each related section of the IFSP and then use the QIO criteria to score the quality of the section

    4. When scoring each section, read the criteria left to right starting with “Missing Required Info”

      1. If there is any Missing Required Information this results in a zero for the entire section

    5. Click the checkboxes for each criteria evident in the IFSP

      1. The total number of checkboxes selected will appear under each scoring category. Use these as guidelines when choosing a section score

    6. Choose a section score (bottom left of the screen)

    7. Use the Scoring Reminders at the bottom of the page for more guidance

    8. Use the comment section at the bottom for any notes and specific feedback

    9. Press Next at the bottom of the page to advance to the following section

  6. Global Outcomes

    1. The second page of the QIO Tool will assess the IFSP’s Global Outcomes

    2. Read through the Global Outcomes section of the IFSP and then use the QIO criteria to score the quality of the section

    3. When scoring each section, read the criteria left to right starting with “Missing Required Info”

      1. If there is any Missing Required Information this results in a zero for the entire section

    4. Click the checkboxes for each criteria evident in the IFSP

      1. The total number of checkboxes selected will appear under each scoring category. Use these as guidelines when choosing a section score

    5. Choose a section score (bottom left of the screen)

    6. Use the Scoring Reminders at the bottom of the page for more guidance

    7. Use the comment section at the bottom for any notes and specific feedback

    8. Press Next at the bottom of the page to advance to the following section

  7. IFSP Outcomes

    1. Only one IFSP Outcome will be reviewed. If there are multiple, the outcome at the top of the section will be reviewed

      1. Family outcomes will not be reviewed

    2. The IFSP Outcome is divided into subsections with different criteria for each section for scoring purposes. The sections follow along with the IFSP: What is the priority this outcome will address? IFSP Outcome, Measurable Criteria, and Strategies

    3. Read through the IFSP Outcomes section of the IFSP and then use the QIO criteria to score the quality of the IFSP Outcome

    4. When scoring each section, read the criteria left to right starting with “Missing Required Info”

      1. If there is any Missing Required Information this results in a zero for the entire section

    5. Click the checkboxes for each criteria evident in the IFSP

      1. The total number of checkboxes selected will appear under each scoring category. Use these as guidelines when choosing a section score

    6. Refer to the services page of the IFSP and answer the question “Is the service(s) identified the most appropriate to implement the strategies listed and support meeting the IFSP outcome?”

    7. Choose a section score (bottom left of the screen)

    8. Use the Scoring Reminders at the bottom of the page for more guidance

    9. Use the comment boxes throughout for any notes and specific feedback

    10. Press Next at the bottom of the page to advance to the following page

  8. Overall Quality Rating Score

    1. The last page of the QIO Tool will show the Overall Quality Rating Score and the three section scores

    2. The Rating Scale breaks down the quality of the Initial IFSP

    3. Click Submit

  9. Final Score Page

    1. Once the score is submitted, the Final Score Page will appear

    2. The Final Score Page will show all QIOs that have been submitted for this IFSP so scores can be compared

  10. Accessing QIO Summaries

    1. To view the summary in a PDF format, click on the “survey response score name” link

    2. On the next screen, click the “Print QIO Form” in the upper right corner to view the completed QIO summary. A new tab will open with the downloadable QIO summary.  

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