Scoring: Overall Scoring Expectactions and Definitions
  • 29 Jan 2025
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Scoring: Overall Scoring Expectactions and Definitions

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Article summary

Overall Scoring Expectations and Definitions

An overall score of Acceptable (2) is the expectation for QIO submissions. An IFSP with an overall QIO score of Acceptable (2) means the entire IFSP meets quality expectations. EI Colorado realizes that since 2 falls in the middle of the possible scores of 0-4, this may seem like a 2 means average. It may be helpful to think of the scoring scale definitions as follows:  

0 - Not Acceptable

Did not meet requirements

1 - Somewhat Acceptable

Baseline of information but missing the heart of the content; missing descriptive details

2 - Acceptable

A quality IFSP; all requirements are met

3 - Emerging Best Practice

Higher quality IFSP; requirements are met and exceeded in some sections

4 - Best Practice

Highest quality IFSP; requirements are met and exceeded in each section

EI Colorado also realizes that not every IFSP is capable of receiving a score of Best Practice (4) based on information shared by the family and other extenuating circumstances. It is important to note the significance of receiving an Emerging Best Practice (3) or Best Practice (4) score in any section of the QIO. This indicates a deep knowledge of the child and family and is individualized throughout all sections of the IFSP.

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