Provider Portal Billing for IFSP & EI Services
  • 23 Jan 2025
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Provider Portal Billing for IFSP & EI Services

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Article summary

Purpose: Service Providers bill for IFSP development and direct services in the EI Provider Portal, attaching progress notes to dates of service. When a local EIB creates a Service Provider Assignment on a Service Plan Element or the Client Case, the assigned service provider will have the ability to enter billing (create Utilizations and Activities) via the Provider Portal for direct services provided to the associated client using the following steps

  1. Navigate to My Client Cases

  1. Locate appropriate Client ID/CLIENT NAME

  2. Click Add Service

  3. Calendar month view will appear → New Activity hyperlink will appear for every date after the Actual Start Date for the EI Service

  4. Top left corner will display Client Name, EI Service and Allowed Units

  5. Select New Activity

  1. Time(15-min units) - defaults to units on Service Plan Element, can be updated by Provider

    NOTE: If Time(15-min units) is greater than IFSP frequency, justification is required

    1. Total Units exceeded Allowed Units, Agree to Proceed - Yes/ No

    2. Over Unit Justification

      1. Make-up Visit - Time added to session

      2. Time Exceeded - Community Partner Involvement

      3. Family Circumstances Required Additional Support

      4. Accompany Family to Appointment or Outing

      NOTE: If client is Medicaid enrolled, denial is required

      1. Medicaid Denial checkbox

      2. Date of Denial

  2. Rate(Hourly) - hourly rate

  3. Activity Description (Optional) - description can be entered

  4. Upload file - Provider can upload progress note or drag and drop for date of session

  5. Calendar will now display the number of units billed for each date of service

For questions, content edits, or other inquires on this document contact the EI Data Team.

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