My Client Cases for Evaluation
  • 04 Feb 2025
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My Client Cases for Evaluation

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Article summary

Purpose: This tab will give access to client specific information for children whose evaluation has been scheduled in an evaluator's time slot. All intake and referral information is accessible and documents can be uploaded to the EI Referral Case in UNICORN for the Care Navigator

  1. Navigate to My Client Cases for Evaluation tab

    1. This tab displays all children who have been scheduled in a primary or secondary evaluator’s evaluation slot/appointment

  2. Users can select to view either Active Cases, Closed Cases, Canceled Evaluation or All Cases

    1. Active Cases include children with an In Progress Referral Status

  3. Each child’s information is displayed in a single row

    1. Client ID is the same as Referral Case # which is the number the evaluator received in the Scheduled email

      1. Hyperlink for [View Transactions] will display all activities billed to the case with Date of Session

    2. Referral Case Details hyperlink will take the user to a window where all details gathered by intake and documented on the client case can be reviewed

      1. Evaluators have the option to print the page

    3. Upload Document hyperlink allows the user to upload a document either from their saved files or by dragging and dropping. These documents are now available to the Care Navigator

    4. View Files hyperlink allows the user to view files attached to the EI Referral Case

    5. Launch EI Screening is used to document evaluation results for all children evaluated (eligible/not eligible) with participant names and signatures for evaluation results explanation

    6. Intake Questionnaire displays questions asked by care navigators during intake and the answers provided by parent/guardian

For questions, content edits, or other inquires on this document contact the EI Child Identification Team.

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