Global Outcomes: Your Child's Development Related to the Three Global Outcomes (Child Outcomes
  • 08 Jan 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Global Outcomes: Your Child's Development Related to the Three Global Outcomes (Child Outcomes

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Article summary

  1. Purpose: This section of the IFSP documents the Child Outcomes Rating that is reported to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) for each of the three Child Outcomes:  1. Positive social and emotional skills, 2. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, and 3. Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. This rating informs how the child’s development relates to his/her same-aged peers.

Note: In Colorado, Child Outcomes are referred to as Global Outcomes

a) Strengths and Needs are documented in each Global Outcome to indicate age- anchoring and support the ratings that are determined based on the child’s individual development at this point in time.

  1. Process: Keeping in mind the information gathered thus far in the IFSP process, the IFSP team determines the strengths and needs of the child in each of the Global Outcome areas. For children over 6 months of age and under 30 months of age, use the Decision Tree document (required) to determine the rating for each global outcome.

  2. EI Data System: This information is entered via the IFSP Home Visual Force page under the Global Outcomes tab.

  1. Starting with “developing positive social and emotional skills” document:

    1. Your Child’s Strengths

      1. Using all information gathered thus far; summarize the child’s strengths in this Global Outcome area. This includes both skills and functional information gleaned from the Family Assessment.

      2. Strengths are documented and/or updated at every IFSP meeting.

    2. Your Child’s Needs

      1. Using all the information gathered thus far, summarize the child’s needs in this Global Outcome area. This includes both skills and functional information gleaned from the Family Assessment. Needs may also identify next steps.

      2. Needs are documented and/or updated at every IFSP.

    3. How does your child’s development relate to his or her same age peers?

    4. This is where you document the rating.

Note: Initial ratings are not entered for children less than 6 months old or older than 30 months of age. Do not enter an exit rating if an entry rating was never done

  1. For this Global Outcome area, consider the child’s functioning across all settings and situations.

  2. Use the Decision Tree document with the family to agree on the final rating, documenting it in this section.

  3. This discussion is typically led by the Early Intervention provider in attendance who has conducted the child assessment (age-anchoring and asking clarifying questions) during the Family Assessment.

  4. This is the rating that is reported to OSEP.

  5. The rating key is provided at the bottom of the IFSP document for reference.

Repeat this process for Global Outcome two and three.

Timelines for documenting Global Outcomes Rating:

Initial (Entry Rating)

Periodic Review

Annual Review

Exit Rating

Global Outcomes Rating Conducted w/family



Unless it is an initial rating for a child turning

6 mos. old



Preliminary rating at last IFSP meeting prior to exit

Global Outcomes Rating Entered in the EI DATA SYSTEM



Unless it is an initial rating for a child turning

6 mos. old


* Not reported to OSEP


Includes the progress question

Finalize rating w/in 90 days of exit

  1. ** The OSEP requirement is that child outcome exit ratings cannot be completed prior to 90 days of the child’s third birthday, therefore a preliminary exit rating may be determined at an IFSP meeting if the last IFSP meeting for the child is more than 90 days before the child’s third birthday. The rating is then finalized with a discussion

among the entire IFSP team (provider(s), family, service coordinator) prior to the child exiting. This can be done via conference call, email, etc.

  1. Only at the Exit Rating answer the question “Has your child shown any new skills or behaviors related to this Global Outcome?” by checking the Yes/No box.

    For questions, content edits, or other inquires on this document contact the EI Training Team.

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