Spanish IFSP
  • 29 Jan 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Spanish IFSP

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Article summary

The Spanish IFSP is available to view on all IFSPs entered in the Early Intervention Data System.  

NOTE: Users have the option to utilize the Spanish IFSP; however, users can still use their current method for translating IFSPs.

  1. Navigate to the Client Case

  2. Click Related tab and scroll to IFSP section

  3. Select the IFSP Record

  4. If creating an Initial IFSP, populate the IFSP Meeting Date and Save

  5. Click IFSP Home

  6. Once at the IFSP Home Visual Force, in the upper right corner there are four buttons to left of Return to Dashboard


    1. Print: – Initiates the DocuSign process for gathering signatures on the IFSP via DocuSign

    2. Preview PDF - Generates the print PDF in current language

    3. View in Spanish – Allows users to view IFSP in Spanish

    4. Translate to Spanish- If a user enters information in English, user needs to select this to translate and view in Spanish

Note: If a user is going to enter the entire IFSP in Spanish select- View in Spanish and proceed with entering the IFSP in Spanish. If the user is going to enter the IFSP in English and then translate to Spanish: Complete the entire IFSP in English and Save


  1. Navigate to the Client Case

  2. Click Related tab and scroll to IFSP section

  3. Click the IFSP Record link

  4. Click IFSP Home

  5. Select Translate to Spanish- The Translate to Spanish feature is working behind the scenes in preparing the text to be viewed in Spanish. Once the page is finished loading, users will not see any text updates until View in Spanish is selected.

  6. A green bar success notification will appear: “Page Translated Successfully!

Graphical user interface, application, website  Description automatically generated

  1. Once the system is finished loading, select View in Spanish

  2. The system will then load the complete IFSP in Spanish

  3. Users have the option to edit any translated text if needed

  4. To generate a Print PDF of the Spanish IFSP, click Preview PDF

Note: Selecting Print Initiates the DocuSign process for gathering signatures on the IFSP via DocuSign

Note: For a brief video demonstration of the Spanish IFSP feature, please click HERE


  1. If in the Spanish IFSP and need to translate to English, the top three buttons will display as:

    1. Imprimir- Initiates the DocuSign process for gathering signatures on the IFSP via DocuSign

    2. Preview PDF - Generates the print PDF in current language

    3. View in English- Select to view IFSP in English

    4. Translate to English- select this to translate any Spanish text to English

  2. If users have entered the entire IFSP in Spanish: Verify all information has been saved

  3. Select Translate to English. The Translate to English is working behind the scenes in preparing the text to be viewed in English.  Once the page is finished loading, users will not see any text updates until View in English is selected

  4. Once the system is finished loading, select View in English

  5. The system will load the IFSP in English

  6. Users have the option to edit any translated text if needed

  7. To generate a Print PDF of the Spanish IFSP, click Preview PDF

Note: QIO Disclaimer - Translated IFSP documents may not be an accurate portrayal of the IFSP given to the family. Please keep this in mind when assessing. Do not use “Not Acceptable” checkboxes related to spelling and grammar when rating an IFSP for a family with Spanish as the primary language

For questions, content edits, or other inquires on this document contact the EI Data Team.

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