- 05 Feb 2025
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Service Provider
- Updated on 05 Feb 2025
- 1 Minute to read
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Annual IFSP Guidance: This document is an interactive guide to the process of scheduling and conducting an Annual IFSP meeting.
Early Intervention Evaluations Padlet: Evaluation Template, Examples, & Resources, DAYC-2 & IDA-2 Resources, Helpful Links
Calculating Percentage of Delay: A chart to convert an age-equivalent score to a percentage of delay
Requesting an Early Intervention Waiver: Purpose: Early Intervention Colorado may issue a waiver to a Provider who does not meet the Provider Personnel Standards however intends to fully meet the minimum standards within one year or is approved for a waiver by EI Colorado Staff
EI Colorado Qualified Personnel Standards: Explains the disciplines and requirements for those who are qualified to provide the allowable services in Colorado
EI Colorado Insurance Requirements: Grantee shall obtain and maintain, and ensure that each Subcontractor shall obtain and maintain, insurance as specified in this section at all times during the term of this Agreement. All insurance policies required by this Agreement that are not provided through self-insurance shall be issued by insurance companies as approved by the State
EI Colorado Locating Certificate Guide: For active Cornerstone accounts, please follow the instructions to access training certificates to be printed or saved. Upload the certificate to the Provider Portal (for active Colorado providers) as documentation of completion of the training. Follow the instructions of the Local Early Intervention Program for any additional requirements. For inactive accounts, please use this form to request a certificate
EI Provider Training: Required training for all who provide Early Intervention Colorado services (effective 1/1/2022)
Recorded GO 4 IT! Training (Global Outcomes): Padlet with GO 4 IT! Universal Training Resources
Telehealth Training: Required training for all providers who provide services via Telehealth in Colorado
Be Part of EI -DEC Video: A video assist with the recruitment of providers and explains Telehealth best practices
Provider Portal Profile Requirements Guide: In-depth guide for required information with screenshots of the Provider Portal
Provider Portal Requirements Quick Guide: Quick reference for requirements
For questions, content edits, or other inquires on this document contact the EI Training Team.