Client Contact
  • 23 Jan 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Client Contact

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Article summary

The Client Contact is the contact record type used for the child being served.

NOTE: For all new EI Referrals, a Client Contact is automatically generated from the EI Referral Case via the Duplicate Contacts search.

A blue and white rectangle with white text  Description automatically generated

More details can be found in the EI Referral Case instructions.

For all other Client Contacts, reference the steps below:

  1. Click on Contacts located in the Tab ribbon

  2. Click New button in upper right corner

  3. The Record Type will be Client

  4. Click Next

  5. Complete the rest of the fields: Fields with a RED asterisk (*) are required fields

  6. First Name Text box - Enter the first name of the child

  7. Middle Name – Text box - Enter the first name of the child

  8. *Last Name (Required Field) – Text box – Enter last name of the child

  9. Account Name – The Account Name will be automatically generated if creating the contact directly from the Account. Otherwise, leave this blank and the system will create a placeholder account that can then be edited and updated upon save.

  10. *Gender (Required Field) – Dropdown – Select Male or Female

  11. *Birthdate (Required Field)– A calendar will appear after clicking on this box; however, a date may also be keyed in

  12. County of residence – Dropdown – Select the county where the child physically resides

  13. Hispanic/Latino? Dropdown – Select Yes or No depending on whether the family identifies the child as Hispanic or Latino

  14. (Optional Field) - Checkbox

  1. Race/Ethnicity – Multi select boxes – Make a selection from the Available box and click the symbol to move into the chosen box. More than one selection may be made. Select Save to retain selection(s).

    Note: There are TWO Race/Ethnicity sections available for selection. For a brief video demonstration of how to utilize and update fields in each Race/Ethnicity section, please click HERE. For an accompanying Infographic with step-by-step instructions and screenshots, please click HERE.

    Note: The bottom/primary Race/Ethnicity field will be required before an IFSP can be developed beyond the Family Assessment tab and a Client Case changed to an Active status

    Note: Primary Race/Ethnicity is still required per Federal Reporting Requirements. Please refer to the US Census Bureau website for definitions and guidance in classifying responses to the Race/Ethnicity selections

  2. Declined to Answer (Optional Field) Checkbox

  3. Additional considerations regarding family’s values, culture and/or beliefs (Optional Field) – Text field

  4. Are you a Tribal Member? (Optional Field) Dropdown – Select Yes or No depending on whether the family identifies

  5. Tribe (Optional Field) Dropdown – If “Yes” selected to “Are you a Tribal Member?” question, specific Tribe may be selected

    1. Select Save to retain selection

  6. Medicaid ID – Text box – A Medicaid number must be entered for every child who is enrolled for benefits under Medicaid.

  7. SSN – Text box – A social security number is not required for children enrolled in Early Intervention

  8. *Primary Spoken Language (Required Field) – Dropdown - Primary language spoken to and by child

  9. Primary Other Spoken Language (Optional Field) - Dropdown – A secondary list of Primary Spoken Languages that may be selected if more than one Primary Language spoken in the home

  10. Primary Spoken Language Other

    Note: If Other is selected from the dropdown, a text box is available to enter the Primary Spoken Language Other. This field must be completed if Other is selected from the dropdown for the contact to save successfully.

  11. Interpreter needed? – Dropdown – Select Yes or No if the child’s primary language is not English

  12. Primary Diagnosis - Lookup – The lookup menu for the primary diagnosis includes all diagnoses that have been reviewed. A diagnosis can be selected whether or not it is considered a condition which would automatically establish eligibility (Established Condition).

    Note: The complete list of medical conditions reviewed can be reviewed by personalizing your navigation bar to include Medical Diagnoses.

  13. Secondary Diagnosis – Lookup – A second diagnosis may be selected

  14. *DDD-ConsumerID – This field is only applicable for Client Contacts that migrated from the previous DDDWeb system. This field is pre-populated

    Note: Clients that did not migrate from DDDWeb will have a Contact ID and not a DDD-Consumer ID

  15. Contact Record Type - Type of Contact Record being entered i.e. - Client, Client Family etc. This field will auto-populate

  16. Physical Address (Required to save the record)

  17. Click Save

  18. A placeholder account will be created with the child’s first name and “Household.” Click on the link to edit and complete set up of the household account.

    NOTE: Users also have the option to create a Contact Record from an already existing Account. To do so from the Account page, users can click on the Related tab and then select the New button on the far right of the Contacts row. By using this method the contact information is prepopulated with information entered on the Account. This option minimizes duplicate data entry and ensures data accuracy

For questions, content edits, or other inquires on this document contact the EI Data Team.

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